Blogger Recognition Award! :O

Hallo everyone!

I hope you have been having a good day, and for those of you who say meh! well smile and give yourselves a hug.

You might have noticed by the title that yes, I’ve been nominated for yet another award! To be honest, aaaah! I totally forgot about this one!  I’d like to thank the lovely Trina @ Its Good To be Crazy Sometimes for nominating me a long time ago! I’m so sorry for the delay, but I accept your nomination ^_^ Here’s the link to her award post and here is the link to her blog, please do check out her witty and inspirational posts! This post is mostly going to be about people who have inspired and motivated me in one form or another!!


Warning: its rather long ^_^!! Grab something to eat y’all!


About the Award

The Blogger Recognition Award was created by the lovely Eve at Edge of Night. Despite the numerous blogger awards floating around she believes that one more such award will not dampen the party but will add more sunshine and goodwill among the blogger community! These awards are ways in which we bloggers show appreciation and recognition of fellow bloggers that we feel need to to be put on the lime light for our own reasons. So lets nominate some bloggers, spread the happiness and highlight why we think they are awesome!! In the end its great to be appreciated for our efforts innit??

Kudos to you Eve! Hugs ^_^






About my blog!

I have loved reading for as long as I can remember. When I was in school, my friends and I would all have book-a-thlons where we would complete booklists we compiled. Then followed heated discussions on everything we read. It was bliss. With the end of school, ended friend meet ups and book discussions, (though we still do send book recommendations once in a while) and the start of a new phase in our lives-University and careers, spread us to all parts of the country and also the world.

Then began the phase where on my own, feeling the brunt of Uni, distance learning has its major CONS, and being stranded without people to discuss and mostly fangirl over my old and newly acquired interests, I wanted some sort of connection. I tried various social media, I mean they do help ,but I still felt it didn’t seem enough. Blogging was constantly on my mind but I would always keep pushing it back with some excuse.

It was also at this point when I was was feeling a decline in spirits and having self confidence issues, and maybe a touch of depression (?!? they were really bad days). There were the bad days, there were the good days. I talked about  it in my post Being Grateful– the post I wrote to mark my 50+ followers!

August 2015- I had an accident, mostly owing to my own clumsiness and inability to run without tripping over myself first. I had never been bedridden for so long ever before. Three weeks of do not get off -keep your head down, and a further three weeks of do not exert yourself. I felt like Katie from What Katie Did 😛

What I did have now was time and it was during this period when a good friend of mine by some way or another pushed me into taking the step into starting a blog. Finally. The blog was initiated, but then sadly I fell back, for four months due to exams and other life’s smut I haven’t yet talked about in this blog. Maybe eventually but you must know it affects me still. Beginning February though, I was back at it and I’ve been consistent and loved every minute ever since. Every book discussion, every post I wrote, and it feels fulfilling to fill up this space I occupy on the internet! And you all have been too kind!  ^_^

Books are the main focus of my blog, but I want to incorporate other aspects of my life too. There’s too many things I love that I want to share my thoughts and rants on, so please bear with me 😛 I’ll try to be as coherent and legible as possibly in all my hurry to say it all!


Advice to new bloggers

  1. The first month is the most important. Keep writing no matter how low the views are.
  2. Interact with others. Read what they write. Acknowledge those who were here before you. You give, then you get. This has to be my favourite aspect of blogging so far. Meeting like minded people.
  3. It will take some time to figure out our voice and a rhythm. Again, keep at it. Your first month doesn’t have to be perfect. You will learn gradually.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I’ve found that everyone in the blogging community is as kind as humans can get. There will be someone to help you.
  5. Enjoy the experience. Don’t get sucked in. Write for yourself, then for others. Have fun.




The Rules, The Rules!

  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.
  • Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post.
  • Display the award in your blog post! 
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them.
  • Provide a link to the creator of the award, Edge of Night. Now we all know where our source of momentary happiness originated ^_^



I nominate, in no particular order, the following lovely humans who have in ways not known to them, helped me along the way by being their awesome selves! 


Zainab : For being especially sweet to me when I was getting back on my feet with blogging ^_^  She reviews books and writes about all things bookish!

Nazahet : For being an amazing diverse reading advocate. Respect for you buddy in that aspect itself. His passion is inspiring and his book recommendations are as always diverse and intriguing.

Nida : For being a lovely human who breathed some inspiration into me to get back into blogging. She writes on beauty, lifestyle and everything in between.

Astra :  Her posts and book reviews are always interesting. Always.

Ide :  For reminding me of myself at 10. Her extent of thought, artistic vision and knowledge is admirable.  She writes on books, art and Greek mythology and everything inbetween.

Orangutan Librarian: Just becaz. She’s awesome!  Just follow her!

Jerry : For making me think. A nod of approval from him means so much to me 🙂  He runs two blogs. One on sports  and the other on life motivation which always inspires me.

Lizzie : Whose thought provoking posts are always a winner 🙂

Genesis  For being so sweet and understanding to me! That is something that’s really hard to come by. ^_^

Vilina : Her blog ‘A Soul’s Journey’ is rightly named.  Click to be helped, motivated and inspired.


In no way is any of you impelled to accept the award. The choice is yours. 🙂

That’s the end of the post! Thank you so much for reading! Happy blogging y’all!





31 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award! :O

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  1. Congratulations on the award 🙂 it’s great to know that blogging has helped in your life, and your advice is really helpful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for understanding. When I’m down I read and in the end fangirling is how I let go of all that energy that’s pent up as some negative feeling. So blogging has been great therapy and talking to people has been even better!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing part of your story. I’m so happy you started a blog! And it looks like we both started blogging frequently around the same time. It’s good to have this blogging journey with such an awesome person. :]

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for tagging me on this!! It truly means a lot. ❤

    You've stated some really good advice tips – especially number 3. I still haven't totally figured out my voice, but I'm not worried about as much as I know I will eventually. When I was really new to blogging, though, I used to be extremely worried about not finding my voice, and that everyone else in the blogosphere seemed to have found theirs made me even more worried, haha!

    I really enjoyed reading your story on how you began blogging too. Thank you for sharing it. 🙂

    Thanks again, btw. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a pleasure to, no worries! 🙂 I too don’t think I’ve gotten to knowing exactly what I want the blog to center on, the problem being I have so much to say about so many things that I do love so much! Aaah the problems! I guess each person has a particular time that needs be spent to realise what they ant to do, but till then keep writing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I get what you mean! I also have many things I love, but are unsure whether to write about on this blog because it’s more of a book blog than anything now. For example, I’ve recently gotten into anime. However atm, I’m stuck on a massive reading slump, so I’m like ‘what am I meant to blog about now?’ haha!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That is a problem indeed. I was hit upon with it too, hence that anime I reviewed : Norn 9. I loved it so much I had to share it. Say, would you like to do a guest post on my blog in a few weeks? I have no idea on what but I’d really like to try something new on my blog. You could try an A-Z of books you love if you are really struggling with ideas.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’m gonna go and have a look at that now!! Yeah, I’ve been watching Naruto recently and was reading Monster for a bit, and didn’t know whether to post about them!
            Oooo yeah, I’d love to! I’ve never done that before! :O 😀 You can guest post on mine too if you like 🙂
            Yeah, I might try that!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. So sorry for the late reply!!!! My internet had a freak out and now it’s working again woo! Yeah, definitely! Good luck in your exams 😀

            Liked by 1 person

  4. I really enjoyed your tips! I started my blog in January and i’ve taken a break from it for a month but now I’m back on it writing reviews for books worth sharing. Awesome blog! I followed. Hopefully you can check mine out some time!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so happy that you blog because if you weren’t blogging, I wouldn’t have such a lovely friend. And thank you so much for your kind words! I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging for a while because of exams and that’s why I’m missing your posts but I’ll be back soon. ❤
    Love you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So glad to hear that your blog space became such a positive outlet for you! I absolutely agree that interacting with people is the most important thing about blogging ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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